Rob Slee Contributor Bio - Divestopedia

Rob Slee


I’ve owned dozens of private business interests and have written a handful of books and hundreds of articles on value creation. But it wasn’t until I started mentoring owners on entity value creation that I figured out what it really means to work smarter.

Specifically, I learned that most owners spend the majority of their time on less than $100 per hour activities. These people are tactical and thus will never enjoy business wealth. It’s just mathematically impossible to build a valuable business at such low hourly rates.

The question was how to get busy and tired owners to first work on $500 per hour activities, and later on $5000 per hour actions, which is where the real fun and wealth begins. The answers to these questions yielded a value creation process, which is the story of this book.

Articles by Rob Slee

  • road-sign-sign-street-sign-freeway-road-dirt-road-gravel-highway-path

    Seven Paradoxes of Middle Market M&A

    For over 25 years, Rob Slee has seen hundreds of people fail to earn a living in the M&A industry. Learn these 7 paradoxes he says their misunderstanding were the cause to failure, and ensure a higher success rate for your next deal.

  • asphalt-tarmac-word-emblem

    Private Capital Markets 101

    Rules followed by the Public Capital Markets do not necessarily apply to the Private Capital Markets. Here is a summary of what you need to know...

  • paper-envelope-greeting-card-mail-logo-trademark-poster-brochure-flyer

    Work Smarter Not Harder at Creating Business Value

    Excerpts from the book Time Really Is Money: How To Work For $5,000 Per Hour, Burn the Boats Press. All my life I have been told to work smarter. And every time I was told this, the teller would laugh knowingly, and then...

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