
Investment Bank League Table

Last updated: March 21, 2024

What Does Investment Bank League Table Mean?

An investment bank league table is a ranking of investment banks based on deals made within a certain period. The rankings may be performed quarterly or annually. The rankings are used by companies that compile this type of data for performance analysis and M&A purposes.


Divestopedia Explains Investment Bank League Table

Investment bank league tables use different financial metrics to analyze data and rank the firms. For example, one table may rank i-banks based on the dollar volume of deal transactions as well as market share value for a specific period, or they may rank banks by the amount of accumulated transactional fees.

Investment bank league tables assist investors involved in merger transactions in choosing firms based on performance (as in how many deals a firm has completed), fees netted as a result of a deal, and a transaction’s terms and price.

Financial activity rankings for companies in the dealmaking market can be regional or global. Regional firm activities are deal transactions within a continent and global firm activities are deal transactions across borders. Regional deal transactions may boost the number of deals for banks, but collect less in fees. Global investment banks are more apt to collect transactional fees in cross-border deals as bankers are required to be in multiple locations working with international regulations, which can lengthen the deal completion period.


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