Dave Kauppi is a Merger and Acquisition Advisor with MidMarket Capital, Inc. He combines fourteen years of M&A deal making experience with a Wharton Finance Degree and IBM sales process resulting in many successful client business sales.
MMC is a Merger and Acquisition Advisory and Investment Banking Firm specializing in providing business intermediary services to entrepreneurs and lower middle market corporate clients in a variety of industries. The firm counsels clients in the areas of M&A and divestiture, family business succession planning, valuations, minority interest shareholder sales, business sales and business acquisition. MMC specializes in Technology, Information Technology, Healthcare, and intellectual property focused companies. We have helped several clients exit at strategic value multiples.
As the author of the Exit Strategist Newsletter, Dave has published over 100 articles on the complexities and process of the private business sale. He is also the author of Selling Your Software Company - An Insider's Guide to Achieving Strategic Value (which can be found on Amazon).
Dave is a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI). He has completed several transactions through creative deal structure, bridging the valuation gap between the buyer and the seller, and by earning the trust of both buyer and seller.