What Does
Private Equity Recapitalization Mean?
A private equity recapitalization is a financial acquisition technique primarily used by private equity groups and/or private investors. It allows a business owner to sell a portion of the business, but still retain some equity to take advantage of future growth. A private equity recapitalization gives owners the potential to crystallize the value of their retained equity for a second time when the company is sold again by the private equity investor. Private equity recapitalizations are commonly used to fund an expansion of the business or to pay down bank debt.
Divestopedia Explains Private Equity Recapitalization
Private equity groups are savvy business partners who bring more than just capital to the table. They provide industry, operational and organizational expertise that can increase the value of a business. Partnering with a private equity firm through a recapitalization allows the business owner to diversify away some personal risk, while remaining with the company over a longer time horizon.
A private equity recapitalization releases the business owner from carrying personal guarantees on the company’s debt, making this strategy very attractive for owners who are tired of having their personal balance sheet exposed to the company’s ups and downs. It can also allow for a smoother succession plan because the private equity group is motivated to deepen the management team and reduce the responsibilities of the existing owner.