Diversification is a strategy of creating operations within an organization that are not dependent on any customers, suppliers and/or products/service lines. Suitable private equity targets demonstrate diversity in their operations. Diversification equates to less risk for buyers in the event of a… View Full Term
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In my previous article, Value is in the Eye of the Beholder, I presented the idea that the definition of value can vary depending on the stakeholder. I stated that for…
By: Erick Hamdan
About the HostRyan is an entrepreneur, podcast host of the show Life After Business and the co-owner of Solidity Financial. Having personally experienced the hazards of…
By: Ryan Tansom
I noted in my previous article that there are two broad answers to this question. The first answer concerns the business itself, and the second one concerns the sales…
By: Derek van der Plaat
One of the most direct, and often overlooked, ways to drive investor interest and improve business valuation is to demonstrate a unique and effective business model.…
By: Jim Grebey | President
Circumstances that give a business an advantage over its competitors, strengthen its strategic position or can be leveraged for future gain boosts business value. Why?…
By: Rose Stabler
So, you’ve decided to sell your business and are now being courted by a number of prospective buyers. Then, during a management presentation, one buyer asks you…
By: John Carvalho | President, Divestopedia Inc.
Too many companies grow their revenue without knowing if they're actually earning a reasonable margin. Most literature will tell you that a growing top line is critical…
In this podcast, Rob Slee, author of "Time Really is Money: How to Work for $5,000 Per Hour," talks about: Definition and importance of culture building, niche…
By: Josh Patrick
In this article, I have prepared a listing of the most common issues I've encountered during the due diligence that a buyer will perform before closing on the sale of a…
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