Diversification is a strategy of creating operations within an organization that are not dependent on any customers, suppliers and/or products/service lines. Suitable private equity targets demonstrate diversity in their operations. Diversification equates to less risk for buyers in the event of a… View Full Term
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In my previous article, Value is in the Eye of the Beholder, I presented the idea that the definition of value can vary depending on the stakeholder. I stated that for…
By: Erick Hamdan
Goodwill refers to the value of intangible assets in a business. In this video, John Carvalho, president of Stone Oak Capital and co-founder of Divestopedia.com,…
By: Divestopedia Team
According to a 2010 study by KPMG titled, "Intangible Assets and Goodwill," more than 50% of the purchase price of a business is typically attributed to…
By: Rose Stabler
About the HostRyan is an entrepreneur, podcast host of the show Life After Business and the co-owner of Solidity Financial. Having personally experienced the hazards of…
By: Ryan Tansom
I have worked in the corporate finance industry for a number of years now. I can't say that I've seen it all, but I have noticed some reoccurring themes over the…
By: John Carvalho | President, Divestopedia Inc.
About the Host Ryan is an entrepreneur, podcast host of the show Life After Business and the co-owner of Solidity Financial. Having personally experienced the hazards…
I often get requests from people asking if I can help them "value" their intangibles. Sometimes they need a formal valuation for tax or compliance reasons. That’s easy…
By: Mary Adams
Think you know how much you could get for your business if you sold it? Think again. In my experience, business owners often get slapped with business valuations that…
In this session, you will learn about:The 6 key components that make up the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS);Simple tools that will help entrepreneurs get what…
By: Josh Patrick
In this podcast, David Friedman, author of "Fundamentally Different," talks about: How culture can be a real driver of company success; The difference between…
By: Noah Rosenfarb
It’s a common adage that every business should be built so that it can be sold. One of the rare certainties in business is that an owner cannot stay at the helm…
By: Mark Wardell
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